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Das Liszt Ferienhaus is located in Downtown San Antonio, Texas.  The Area is Historical and adjacent to the well known King William Historical District.  The neighborhoods are over 100 years old, but the Downtown Area has been populated and inhabited for almost 300 years.
In my opinion, San Antonio has probably "The Safest" Downtown Area of "any" United States City.  Because most of San Antonio's Tourist Activity takes place Downtown, it is kept as safe as possible.  If the Downtown area were to acquire a reputation for danger, Millions would be lost in the Tourist and Convention Industry.  I suggest that, as with any area, even the ones you know very well, you address each situation with a normal amount of caution.
This neighborhood is considered an Up-And-Coming area by Realtors.  The King William District is a "way above average" market, so buyers are looking in "this" area to purchase more affordable Historical Homes to Restore.
You will find that in all of the Downtown Residential Areas of San Antonio, even King William, there will be Completely Refurbished Homes, such as the Ferienhaus.  Then nearby, there will be homes that are in the process of remodeling, and then houses that haven't had any work done to them.  The properties on all sides of the Ferienhaus have been refurbished and are in good condition.
The Ferienhaus is surrounded by very nice families; all married couples, older and younger, with children.  Our neighbor right next door is a New Braunfels Police officer.
I actually lived in the Ferienhaus, myself, the summer of 2004, with my two younger children, while we were completing the renovations.  I have to say, I loved it! In fact, I loved it so much, I sincerely regretted having to return, to my own home, when it came time for my son to go back to school.
My personal veiw is that the neighborhood is Historical; Old, but Safe.  There are some areas that might "look" suspicious, but I haven't experienced anything questionable.  I have not encountered "anything" that would frighten me or make me uncomfortable. In fact, the neighbors are so friendly they might startle you by waving and saying "Hi".
Recently, we had Celebrities as our Guests.  Two of the Lead Performers in the Touring Company of HAIRSPRAY lodged at the Ferienhaus.  They stayed for two weeks, and commented that they were quite Happy and Comfortable.  They further remarked that they were pleased with the warm atmosphere of a home, rather than the cool regularity of a hotel room.  They mentioned they appreciated the advantages of the kitchen and laundry facilities, which they promptly put to use.  They also enjoyed their trip to work, once they discovered the Majestic Theatre was conveniently located, just 2 miles away.  As with all our guests, I enjoyed meeting them and getting to know them.  I look forward to hearing from them, when they pass through San Antonio on their next Theatrical Tour.
I truly recommend your consideration of Das Liszt Ferienhaus as a Loging Option, if you are visiting San Antonio and plan to spend a reasonable amount of time Downtown, on the River Walk, at the Convention Center, Historical Missions, etc.  Please don't hesitate to E-mail or call with "any" questions you might have.
We want your experience, as Our Guests, to be so Pleasurable you return to stay at Das Liszt Ferienhaus again, and again.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Laralee List Wahrmund


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